Technical Solutions of our service:
Our experts & engineers can reach to your any property for any technical problems of the machineries or our supplied equipments. For this they can take maximum 08 (Eight) hours notice.
Corporate Address:
House: 24, Road: 02, Block: A, Banassree, Rampura, Dhaka-1219 Bangladesh
Cell : +88-01718 883492, 01730 299665
Hot Line : +88-01687 709090
E-mail : forextrading.4x.bd@gmail.com, sales.foex1@gmail.com
Our Warranty:
“FOREX” ensures following warranty:
1. We are providing full one year warranty for any authentic fault in the supplied machines.
2. Our engineers will arrive at any corner of the country within 08 hours.
3. We will train up the cleaning people in free of cost. It will continue up to every three months for first year.
4. Every year we submit a audit report which is checked & approved.